Saturday, April 2, 2011

Nukes, Nukes, Nukes & The United States

I never find it amusing when i hear the United States government pointing fingers at other countries or even worse vilifying them on the subject of nukes or should i mention weapons of mass destruction.

It's really disturbing to hear the United States demand for the halting of nuclear weapon procurement on countries like Iran and North Korea when this same nation is the only nation on earth that has used nukes on other human beings. How can a country that nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, killing thousands, maiming and sickening even more with radiation, assume the role of nuke police over this planet?

You did it once, twice, you will do it thrice and that is why these nations want to arm themselves with nukes, they do not trust you anymore than you trust them America.

Making war on other countries, bombing other countries with the pretext of disarming a so called evil regime is nothing but bullying and the US has no moral authority whatsoever to invoke it's political disarmament policies on any nation on this planet after what it did to Japan. Is the United States naive enough to think that Japan has forgotten the bombings! Is the US naive enough to think that other nations do not wish to arm themselves the same way as long as the lone standing human nuker still has a vast arsenal of WMD's in it's coffer. THINK AGAIN!

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